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发布时间:2024-03-29 阅读量:

蔡文思 博士,讲师

2012.09-2015.06 曼彻斯特大学 电子工程 本科

2015.09-2019.10 曼彻斯特大学 电气及电子工程 博士

2020.05-2023.04 重庆大学 光电工程学院 博士后

2023.05-至今      重庆大学 光电工程学院 讲师



1.       氧化物薄膜电子器件

2.       低维半导体材料

3.       发光器件、光电探测器、太阳能电池等光电子器件应用研究



主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、JW科技委173项目、重庆市自然科学基金面上项目等国家及省部级项目8项;在Sci. Bullet., Nano Lett., IEEE Electron Device Lett., Appl. Phys. Lett.等上发表SCI论文60余篇,其中第一/通讯作者论文29篇,他引近2000次;出版全英文专著1部(排第二);入选国家博士后国(境)外交流计划引进项目,获2019国家优秀自费留学生奖学金。



1.         Multidentate chelation achieves bilateral passivation toward efficient and stable perovskite solar cells with minimized energy losses, H. Yang, R. Li, S. Gong, H. Wang, S. Qaid, Q. Zhou, W. Cai*, X. Chen*, J. Chen* & Z. Zang*, Nano Letters, 23(18), 8610-8619, 2023 (共同通讯)

2.         Low-voltage, solution-processed InZnO thin-film transistors with enhanced performance achieved by bilayer gate dielectrics, M. Li, Q. Zhuang, S. Lu, Z. Zang & W. Cai*, Applied Physics Letters, 122(16), 162104, 2023 (唯一通讯)

3.         Significant performance and stability improvement of low-voltage InZnO thin-film transistors by slight La doping, W. Cai, M. Li, H. Li, Q. Qian & Z. Zang, Applied Physics Letters, 121(6), 062108, 2022 (第一作者)

4.         Significant performance enhancement of UV-Vis self-powered CsPbBr3 quantum dot-based photodetectors induced by ligand modification and P3HT embedding, M. Wang, D. Liang, W. Ma, Q. Mo, Z. Zang, Q. Qian & W. Cai*, Optics Letters, 47(17), 4512-4515, 2022 (唯一通讯)

5.         One-Volt, Solution-Processed InZnO Thin-Film Transistors, W. Cai, H. Li & Z. Zang, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 42(4), 525-528, 2021 (第一作者)

6.         2D perovskite for field-effect transistors, W. Cai, H. Wang, Z. Zang & L. Ding, Science Bulletin, 66(7), 648-650, 2021 (第一作者)

7.         Room temperature synthesis of Sn2+ doped highly luminescent CsPbBr3 quantum dots for high CRI white light-emitting diodes, Y. Dong, Q. Mo, S. Zhao, W. Cai* & Z. Zang, Nanoscale, 13(21), 9740-9746, 2021 (共同通讯)

8.         Significant Performance Improvement of Oxide Thin-Film Transistors by a Self-Assembled Monolayer Treatment, W. Cai, J. Zhang, J. Wilson, J. Brownless, S. Park, L. Majewski & A. Song, Advanced Electronic Materials, 6(5), 1901421, 2020 (第一作者)

9.         Significant Performance Enhancement of Very Thin InGaZnO Thin-Film Transistors by a Self-Assembled Monolayer Treatment, W. Cai, J. Wilson, J. Zhang, J. Brownless, X. Zhang, L. Majewski & A. Song, ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 2(1), 301-308, 2020 (第一作者)

10.     One-Volt IGZO Thin-Film Transistors With Ultra-Thin, Solution-Processed AlxOy Gate Dielectric, W. Cai, S. Park, J. Zhang, J. Wilson, Y. Li, Q. Xin, L. Majewski & A. Song, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 39(8), 375-378, 2018 (第一作者)




