张文 个人简介
● 重庆大学,光电工程学院 学士
● 重庆大学,光电工程学院 硕士
● 浙江大学,生物医学工程及仪器科学学院 博士
● (美国)犹他州立大学 博士后
● 江苏大学,食品学院 副教授 (2022.9止)
● 重庆大学,光电工程学院 副教授 (2022.9-2024.8)
l 重庆大学,光电工程学院 教授、博士生导师、仪器系副主任 (2024.9-至今)
[1] 水产品、果蔬中重金属与农药残留的光纤微传感器检测:构建光纤体微电极阵列,在光纤端面封装微米尺度光寻址电位传感器,获得有害物质信息分布规律
[2] 肉类中食源性病毒的可视化神经元皮肤检测方法:通过静电纺丝、荧光和拉曼技术实现敏感表皮,在光纤光栅上封装压电元件,构建视觉触觉共生神经元,通过微触环境对光谱信息进行高效能、分布式和低成本解调
[1] 2022.01-2025.12进口冷链牛肉中食源性病毒的可视化神经元皮肤微触检测, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持、在研 (32172302)
[2] 2020.01-2023.12贝类中痕量重金属元素的光纤电化学微探针检测研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持、在研 (31972153)
[3] 2017.07-2020.12食品视觉触觉属性智能感官传感响应机制研究,国家重点研发计划项目子课题,主持、结题 (2017YFD0400102-3)
[4] 2018.07-2020.02液态奶中重金属元素的光电复合微检测平台研究,中国博士后基金特别资助,主持、结题 (2018T110460)
[5] 2017.12-2019.12微电极结合纳米荧光颗粒敏感法的鱼肉重金属快速检测,中国博士后基金面上资助,主持、结题 (2017M611739)
近年部分论文(节选中科院大类一区论文, 一作或独立通讯)
[1] Lei Yuan, Xiaoyu Tian, Yushan Fan, Zongbao Sun, Kaiyi Zheng, Xiaobo Zou, Wen Zhang*, TPB-DMTP@S-CDs/MnO2 fluorescence composite on a dual- emission-capture sensor module for fingerprint recognition of organophosphorus pesticides, Analytical Chemistry, 95 (2023) 2741-2749 (自然指数期刊)
[2] Xuan Zhou, Zongbao Sun, Xiaoyu Su, Kaiyi Zheng, Xiaobo Zou, Wen Zhang*, Ratiometric detection of ochratoxin A using a regenerable COF-Au-MB-Apt signal probe on a thermal-regulated sensor module, Analytical Chemistry, 95 (2023) 1916-1923 (自然指数期刊)
[3] Xiaoyu Su, Huan Wang, Chengquan Wang, Xuan Zhou, Xiaobo Zou, Wen Zhang*, Programmable dual-electricfield-driven immunosensor using MXene-Au-based competitive signal probe for natural parathion-methyl detection, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 214 (2022) 114546 (IF=12.545, 传感领域权威期刊)
[4] Lei Yuan, Ziyu Gan, Yushan Fan, Fuyuan Ding, Xuechao Xu, Xiaojing Chen, Xiaobo Zou, Wen Zhang*, Thermal-controlled active sensor module using enzyme-regulated UiO-66-NH2/MnO2 fluorescence probe for total organophosphorus pesticide determination, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 436 (2022) 129111 (IF=14.224, 环境领域权威期刊)
[5] Xiaoyu Su, Zhiyu Chen, Huan Wang, Lei Yuan, Kaiyi Zheng, Wen Zhang*, Xiaobo Zou, Ratiometric immunosensor with DNA tetrahedron nanostructure as high-performance carrier of reference signal and its applications in selective phoxim determination for vegetables, Food Chemistry, 383 (2022) 132445 (IF=9.231)
[6] Zongbao Sun, Yunlong Gao, Zeng Niu, Haodong Pan, Xuechao Xu, Wen Zhang*, Xiaobo Zou, Programmable-printing paper-based device with MoS2 NPs and Gmp/Eu-Cit fluorescence couple for ratiometric tetracycline analysis in various natural samples, ACS Sensors, 6 (2021) 4038–4047 (IF=9.618, 传感领域权威期刊)
[7] Zhiyu Chen, Chao Liu, Xiaoyu Su, Wen Zhang*, Xiaobo Zou, Signal on-off ratiometric electrochemical sensor based on semi-complementary aptamer couple for sensitive cadmium detection in mussel, Sensors & Actuators B, 346 (2021) 130506 (IF=9.221)
[8] Wen Zhang, Zhiyu Chen, Yefeng Guan, Chao Liu, Kaiyi Zheng, Xiaobo Zou*, Aptamer-functionalized screen-printed electrode coupled with graphene oxide and methylene blue nanocomposite as enhanced signal label for total arsenic determination in shellfish, Sensors & Actuators B, 335 (2021) 129383 (IF=9.221)
[9] Chao Liu, Xiaoou Wei, Xin Wang, Jiyong Shi, Zhiyu Chen, Wen Zhang*, Xiaobo Zou, Ratiometric electrochemical analysis on a flexibly-fabricated vibratory electrode module for reliable and selective determination of imidacloprid, Sensors & Actuators B, 329 (2021) 129228 (IF=9.221)
[10] Xuechao Xu, Chao Liu, Wen Zhang*, Xiaobo Zou, Active temperature regulation and teamed boronate affinity-facilitated microelectrode module for blood glucose detection in physiological environment, Sensors & Actuators B, 324 (2020)128720 (IF=9.221)
[11] Wen Zhang, Chao Liu, Kuiguo Han, Xiaoou Wei, Yiwei Xu, Xiaobo Zou*, Han Zhang, Zhiyu Chen, A signal on-off ratiometric electrochemical sensor coupled with a molecular imprinted polymer for selective and stable determination of imidacloprid, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 154 (2020) 112091 (IF=12.545, 传感领域权威期刊)
[12] Wen Zhang*, Chao Liu, Fanghua Liu, Xiaobo Zou*, Yiwei Xu, Xuechao Xu, A smart-phone-based electrochemical platform with programmable solidstate-microwave flow digestion for determination of heavy metals in liquid food, Food Chemistry, 303 (2020) 125378 (IF=9.231, 2021年7月入选ESI高被引论文)
[13] Wen Zhang, Yiwei Xu, Xiaobo Zou*, Rapid determination of cadmium in rice using an all-solid RGO-enhanced light addressable potentiometric sensor, Food Chemistry, 261 (2018) 1–7 (IF=9.231)
[14] Wen Zhang*, Yiwei Xu, Xiaobo Zou*, Ping Wang, A real-time-range potentiostat coupled to nano-Au-modified microband electrode array for high-speed stripping determination of human blood lead, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 97 (2017) 267–272 (IF=12.545, 传感领域权威期刊)
[15] Wen Zhang*, Yiwei Xu, Xiaobo Zou*, Haroon E., Hybrid-power wireless electrochemical platform coupled toscreen-printed electrode module for natural water monitoring, Sensors & Actuators B, 242 (2017) 63–70 (IF=9.221)
[16] Wen Zhang*, Yiwei Xu, Haroon E. Tahir, Xiaobo Zou*, Determinations of trace lead in various natural samples by a novel active microband-electrode probe, Chemical Engineering Journal, 309 (2017) 305–312 (IF=16.744, 化工领域权威期刊)
[17] Wen Zhang, Yiwei Xu, Haroon E. Tahir, Xiaobo Zou*, Ping Wang, Rapid and wide-range determination of Cd(II), Pb(II), Cu(II) and Hg(II) in fish tissues using light addressable potentiometric sensor, Food Chemistry, 221 (2017) 541–547 (IF=9.231, 2017年11月入选ESI高被引论文)