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发布时间:2021-03-01 阅读量:

罗亦杨 博士 副教授


2013年 获华中科技大学学士学位

2017年 获华中科技大学博士学位

2017-2019年 华中科技大学 博士后

2018-2020年 新加坡南洋理工大学 访问学者,博士后

2021-至今 重庆大学 副教授 


1 超快光纤激光瞬态孤子动力学

2 激光全场观测及智能控制

3 基于超快激光的精密测量技术 


罗亦杨博士在国际重要学术期刊OpticaPhotonics ResearchOptics Letters等上发表论文40余篇(第一/通信作者24篇),并担任IEEE JSTQE, Opt. Lett., Opt. Express等期刊的审稿人。在OFCCLEOCLEO-PR等国际学术会议上第一或通信作者发表论文10余篇,曾获ICOCN会议最佳论文奖;受邀在LPC2020会议上作特邀报告,并担任分会主席。主持完成中国博士后科学基金(一等资助),参与国家自然科学基金重大项目,新加坡MOE AcRF Tier1项目等。协助建立IEEE Sensors Council Singapore Chapter,曾担任委员会秘书一职。曾获第二届中国互联网+创新创业大赛金奖。 


[1]   Yiyang Luo*, Ran Xia, Perry Ping Shum, et al. Real-time dynamics of soliton triplets in fiber lasers. Photonics Research, 8: 884-891 (2020)

[2]   Yiyang Luo*, Yang Xiang, Perry Ping Shum, et al. Stationary and pulsating vector dissipative solitons in nonlinear multimode interference-based fiber lasers. Optics Express, 28: 4216-4224 (2020)

[3]   Ran Xia, Yiyang Luo*, Perry Ping Shum, et al. Experimental observation of shaking soliton molecules in a dispersion-managed fiber laser. Optics Letters, 45: 1551-1554 (2020)

[4]   Wenjun Ni, Ran Xia, Perry Ping Shum, Yiyang Luo*, et al. Bragg labeled wavelength calibrates interferometric sensors in hollow core fiber. Optics Letters, 48: 5382-5385 (2019)

[5]   Yiyang Luo, Yang Xiang, Tao Liu, et al. Real-time access to the coexistence of soliton singlets and molecules in an all-fibre laser. Optics Letters, 44: 4264-4266 (2019)

[6]   Yang Xiang, Yiyang Luo*, Bowen Liu, et al. IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 37: 5108-5114 (2019)

[7]   Yiyang Luo, Jianwei Cheng, Bowen Liu, et al. Group-velocity-locked vector soliton molecules in fiber lasers. Scientific Reports, 7: 2369 (2017)

[8]   Zhilin Xu, Yiyang Luo, Qizhen Sun, et al. Light velocity control in monolithic microfiber bridged ring resonator. Optica 4: 945-950 (2017)

[9]   Yiyang Luo, Lei Li, Deming Liu, et al. Group velocity locked vector dissipative solitons in a high repetition rate fiber laser. Optics Express, 24: 18718-18726 (2016)

[10] Yiyang Luo, Li Xia, Zhilin Xu, et al. Optical chaos and hybrid WDM/TDM based large capacity quasi-distributed sensing network with real-time fiber fault monitoring. Optics Express, 23: 2416-2423 (2015)



